Category: General

  • Leaving Homes England

    Leaving Homes England

    After 4 fantastic years, I’ll be leaving Homes England in a few weeks.

  • 3 Months In

    3 Months In

    I joined Homes England in March and it’s been a whirlwind start, to say the least! It was particularly strange for me as I had a largely smooth end to my time at GDS, followed by 2 weeks abroad for my Honeymoon – The beaches of Mauritius seem a very long time ago! I returned…

  • GDS to Homes England

    GDS to Homes England

    After 18 months at Government Digital Service (GDS), I’ll be joining Homes England in March as their new Lead Delivery Manager. GDS was my first foray into the Civil Service. Having solely worked in the private sector prior to joining GDS, it took me a while to adjust but I honestly can’t say enough positive…

  • Time off

    Time off

    After a draining December, it was time to wind down, head home and think about anything apart from work! Evening in London Walk around the streets of London at night visiting the Tate, Covent Garden, China Town and Trafalgar Square. Family Dinner Cambridge Central Mosque Europe’s first eco-friendly mosque built from wood. Absolutely beautiful construction…

  • Hello World

    Hello World

    Hello and welcome to my blog! I’d like to think of myself as a passionate, digital savvy person with a touch of entrepreneurial spirit. I love working with and empowering small businesses and individuals through innovative products. I’m a strong believer in the importance of creating an effective brand. A brand isn’t simply a website,…